Two of my biggest defining moments as an adult were:
I don’t remember exactly what started #2, but I know Josh and I were at home having one of those non-serious disagreements where no one is actually mad but you kind of feign it in a joking way... I hope you know what I mean?
Well, somehow that scene escalated (still in a non-serious, joking way):
And it was in that moment, in the midst of the food fight with Josh in our kitchen, that I realized I had made it in life.
I'm not joking. It was like the heavens parted and a beam of light shone down with voices of angels singing “ahhhhhhhh” and graced me with a feeling of, “I DID IT. I am a successful adult.”
I was also simultaneously feeling a deep confirmation that I truly found my soulmate--Another grown-a$$ adult who could throw spaghetti in the house with laughter and without guilt.
Of course this was never a conscious goal of mine.
But it got me thinking, YES, of course. This definitely counts as success. This moment where I could experience pure joy fully immersed in a moment free from society's built-in expectations.
Just like how having a food fight in my 30’s, in the kitchen, with my fiancé was a moment of success for me, what feels like success to you will also be different.
Your definition of success is going to look different from other's. From mine, from your parent’s, from your sibling's, from your friend’s, from your colleagues at work.
If you don’t define “success” specifically and for yourself, you’ll feel the weight of everyone else’s definition that doesn’t align with yourself and it will leave you feeling like a failure nearly all the time.
So Reader, I want for you to throw away the pre-defined definition of success you might have. And take some time to imagine what success looks like to YOU.
If you're feeling up for it, I'd love to hear it.
Your successful and mature, cereal-throwing-adult friend,
Design Mentor & Career Coach for Designers. [Almost] weekly, [Always] entertaining emails helping you get un-stuck in your career, and increase your income, impact and opportunities.
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